Welcome to Glusto’s documentation!

Glusto is a framework designed to provide features commonly used in a remote/distributed environment via a single and easy-to-access object.

It started out as a port of some shell ssh functions I had written and was meant for use in PyUnit* tests and config scripts for Gluster.

I’ve removed the Gluster specifics from this package. Feel free to give it a go, and please let me know how it works out.

Some of the key concepts and features of Glusto:

  • Glusto inherits from multiple classes providing configuration (yaml, json, ini), remote connection (SSH, SCP, RPyC), ANSI color output, logging, and unit test functionality (PyUnit, PyTest, Nose)–presenting them in a single global Class object.
  • Glusto also acts as a global class for maintaining state and configuration data across multiple modules and classes.
  • Glusto provides a wrapper utility (/usr/bin/glusto) to help make configuration files available to test cases from the command-line.

Adding Glusto utilities to a Python module is as simple as an import.


To use Glusto in a module:

from glusto.core import Glusto as g


It is no longer necessary to say “Glusto Importo!” out loud before executing scripts using the Glusto module. The import statement is more than sufficient.

User Guide

Table of Contents

Indices and tables