Using RPyC

Let’s start with this…


Per the install documentation for RPyC, it is not possible to connect to a Python 3.x remote from a Python 2.x system and vice-versa.

See the RPyC Install documentation [1] for more information. That’s not necessarily a show-stopper for everyone, but certainly worth consideration depending on your environment.

Passwordless Connections

Glusto’s implementation of RPyC leverages the same SSH connections described in the previous section. See Passwordless SSH with Keys for more information on configuring Glusto for specific SSH keys.

Setting up Connections

Unlike the SSH connections that are created automatically when you use run() or the other SSH methods, the RPyC connection needs to be created before it can be used. After the connection is made, it is cached for use by subsequent RPyC calls.

Setting up a Single Connection

To setup an RPyC connection to a remote server, use the rpyc_get_connection() method.

>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('')

Listing Connections

To see the list of connections, use the rpyc_list_connections() method.

>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()

Setting up a Connection with a Specific User

The default user is root. To setup a connection with a user other than the default, add the user parameter.

>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('', user='george')
>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()

Setting up Multiple Connections with Different Users

Sometimes it is necessary to run commands as different users at the same time. With RPyC, it is possible to setup multiple connections to the same server with different users.

>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('', user='george')
>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('', user='alexander')

>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()

On the remote server, multiple instances of the rpyc server are run:

$ ps -ef | grep deployed
george    7504  5456  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 bash -c cd /home/george && /usr/bin/python2 /tmp/tmp.XuDwqQkXVq/
george    7511  7504  1 18:13 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2 /tmp/tmp.XuDwqQkXVq/
root      7579  3041  0 18:13 ?        00:00:00 bash -c cd /root && /usr/bin/python2 /tmp/tmp.xAfvVdtmjg/
root      7582  7579  4 18:13 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2 /tmp/tmp.xAfvVdtmjg/

Setting up Multiple Connections with the Same User

There are also times when it is helpful to be able to run commands at the same time, but as the same user. For example, to run a long running command while checking another command running at the same time. With RPyC, it is possible to setup multiple connections to the same server with the the same user.

To setup a connection to the same server as the same user, use the instance parameter to specificy an instance number.

>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('', instance=2)
>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('', user='george')
>>> g.rpyc_get_connection('', user='george', instance=2)

>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()


Glusto doesn’t automatically increment the instance number. Specifying the same instance number will return the cached connection and not a new instance.

Making RPyC Calls


Rather than cover RPyC in-depth here, below are some examples of using RPyC with Glusto. Please refer to the RPyC documentation [2] for more information.

Using the Connection

Once an RPyC connection is made, it can be referenced to make RPyC calls against the remote system.

conn1 = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> conn1.modules.sys.platform

Asynchronous RPyC Calls

RPyC provides an asynchronous mechanism to allow for running remote calls in the background.

Backgrounding an RPyC Call

Sometimes you just want to kick off a process and let it run without needing to wait for it to finish or caring about the result.

To run a command in the background without waiting for a result.

>>> import rpyc
>>> conn1 = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> async_sleep1 = rpyc.async(conn1.modules.time.sleep)
>>> async_sleep1(10)
<AsyncResult object (pending) at 0x7f3382bc6f50>

Waiting for a Backgrounded Call

Other times you want to wait for the processes to finish before continuing.

To wait for a backgrounded process, use the rpyc wait() method.

>>> import rpyc
>>> conn1 = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> async_sleep1 = rpyc.async(conn1.modules.time.sleep)
>>> res1 = async_sleep1(10)
<AsyncResult object (pending) at 0x7f3382bc6530>
>>> res1.wait()

Running a Second Call Against the Same System

When it is necessary to run a background command against a system and run another command against the same system, you can use wait() to wait for a return for each call made.

>>> res1 = async_sleep(60)
>>> res2 = async_sleep(10)
>>> res2.wait()
>>> res1.wait()


Because the backgrounded calls are made against the same connection, the first call blocks the connection until complete. In the above example, the res2.wait() will block for 70 seconds. The res1.wait() returns instantly.

To run multiple background calls against the same system, you can create a second connection and run the second background call against it.

>>> import rpyc

>>> conn1 = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> async_sleep1 = rpyc.async(conn1.modules.time.sleep)

>>> conn2 = g.rpyc_get_connection('', instance=2)
>>> async_sleep2 = rpyc.async(conn2.modules.time.sleep)

>>> res1 = async_sleep(60)
>>> res = async_sleep(10)
>>> res.wait()
>>> res1 = async_sleep(60)
>>> res2 = async_sleep2(10)
>>> res2.wait()
>>> res1.wait()

The first call will block on the first connection, while the second call runs in parallel on the other connection.

Running Local Code on the Remote System

Normally, a module already needs to reside on the remote system or be transferred at runtime to be called. Glusto leverages a feature of RPyC to define a local module on the remote system without the extra step of transferring a file into the remote PYTHONPATH.

This feature makes it simple to create module files of commonly used function, class, and method snippets for use on remote servers without the need to package, distribute, and install on each remote server ahead of time.

To define a local module on the remote system, use the rpyc_define_module() method.

Local module script named mymodule with a function called get_uname:

>>> import mymodule
>>> connection = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> r = g.rpyc_define_module(connection, mymodule)
>>> r.get_uname()
('Linux', 'rhserver1', '2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64', '#1 SMP Sun Jul 27 15:55:46 EDT 2014', 'x86_64')

Going Ape with Monkey-Patching

Monkey-patching with RPyC can be a useful feature.

Monkey-patching Standard Out

While using the Python interpreter, it is sometimes helpful to be able to see the output of a call that is normally directed to stdout on the remote.

To wire the remote stdout to the local stdout…

>>> import sys
>>> conn = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> conn.modules.sys.stdout = sys.stdout
>>> conn.execute("print 'Hello, World!'")
Hello, World!

Re-wiring Local and Remote

Monkey-patching can be used to make lengthy or often-used remote calls appear local.

An oversimplified example:

# Monkey-patching the remote to a local object
>>> conn = g.rpyc_get_connection('')
>>> r_uname = conn.modules.os.uname
>>> r_uname()
('Linux', 'rhserver1', '2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64', '#1 SMP Sun Jul 27 15:55:46 EDT 2014', 'x86_64')

# Calling the local uname method
>>> import os
>>> os.uname()
('Linux', 'mylaptop', '4.4.9-300.fc23.x86_64', '#1 SMP Wed May 4 23:56:27 UTC 2016', 'x86_64')

A slightly better example:

>>> # create a function unaware of remote vs local
>>> def collect_os_data(os_object):
...     print os_object.uname()
...     print os_object.getlogin()

>>> # pass it the local object
>>> collect_os_data(os)
('Linux', 'mylaptop', '4.4.9-300.fc23.x86_64', '#1 SMP Wed May 4 23:56:27 UTC 2016', 'x86_64')

>>> # pass it the remote object
>>> collect_os_data(ros)
('Linux', 'rhserver1', '2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64', '#1 SMP Sun Jul 27 15:55:46 EDT 2014', 'x86_64')

Checking Connections

To check a connection is still available, use the rpyc_ping_connection() method.

>>> g.rpyc_ping_connection()
connection is alive


Pinging a connection gets the connection from cache, but if the connection was not established before the ping, it will be opened–followed by the ping.

Closing Connections

On occasion, it might be necessary to remove a connection from the cache (e.g., when a cached connection is no longer needed or when looping through connections to execute the same command against all connections and an unwanted connection is in the list).


Closing a connection directly without using the methods discussed in this section will leave a connection definition in the connection dictionary. You will want to close rpyc connections via these methods to avoid unnecessary cleanup. It will also guarantee any future features are handled correctly upon close.

Closing a Single Connection

To remove a cached connection, close it with the rpyc_close_connection() method.

>>> g.rpyc_close_connection('')

>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()

>>> g.rpyc_close_connection('', user='george')

>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()

>>> g.rpyc_close_connection('', user='george', instance=2)

>>> g.rpyc_list_connections()

Closing All Connections

To remove all cached connections, use the rpyc_close_connections() method.

>>> g.rpyc_close_connections()

Undeploying the RPyC Server

With the RPyC Zero-Deploy automated setup, the RPyC server process running on the remote system does not stop when a connection is closed. To stop that process, it is necessary to close the deployed server connection setup by Zero-Deploy.

To list the deployed servers, use the rpyc_list_deployed_servers() method.

>>> g.rpyc_list_deployed_servers()


When multiple connection instances to the same server with the same user exist, they share the same deployed server, so only one deployed server will appear in the list.

To close a deployed server connection, use the rpyc_close_deployed_server() method.

>>> g.rpyc_list_deployed_servers()

>>> g.rpyc_close_deployed_server('', user='george')

>>> g.rpyc_list_deployed_servers()


Glusto will automatically close all of the connection instances related to the deployed server being closed. However, it does not dispose of the cached SSH connection.

To close all deployed servers, use the rpyc_close_deployed_servers() method.

>>> g.rpyc_close_deployed_servers()


Glusto leverages the RPyC Zero-Deploy methodology which copies the RPyC server files to the remote and sets up the SSH tunnel automatically. This can add overhead when the first g.rpyc_get_connection() call to a remote server is made. The time lag is negligible on the LAN or short distances across the WAN, but when dealing with a large number of systems across the globe, especially on a slow link (DSL, etc), there may be lengthy “go get something to drink” periods of time. Try it out and adjust according to your taste.

