Configuring Glusto

Glusto currently reads configuration files in yaml, json, or ini format. It looks in /etc/glusto for defaults.yml, defaults.yaml, defaults.json and defaults.ini. You can provide any or all at the same time.


It is currently necessary to create the /etc/glusto directory manually and populate it with defaults. files. Automatic creation of the defaults directory, a default defaults.yml, and sample configs is upcoming.

defaults.yml or defaults.yaml:

keyfile: "~/ssh/id_rsa"
use_ssh: True
use_controlpersist: True
log_color: True


this = yada1
that = yada2
the_other = %(this)s and %(that)s

some_default = yada yada


{"things": {
  "thing_one": "yada",
  "thing_two": "yada yada",
  "thing_three": {
    "combo_thing": [
      {"combo_thing_one": "yada", "combo_thing_two": "yada yada"}

The ini format provides some simple variable capability.

For example, this line from the above defaults.ini config:

the_other = %(this)s and %(that)s

…will populate the_other variable in your Python script as “yada1 and yada2”:

defaults: {that: yada2, this: yada1, this_and_that: yada1 and yada2}


It is also possible to pass additional configuration files at the command-line, in IDLE, or from within script. via the -c option. See Using Config Files with Glusto and Using the Glusto CLI Utility for more information.