Glusto Simple REST Client

Glusto provides simple methods for basic REST API get, post, put, and delete functionality.

Making REST API Requests

Glusto supports the four basic REST API request types.

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Making a GET Request

To submit a GET request to a url, use the rest_get() method.

>>> g.rest_get('')

Making a POST Request

To submit a POST request to a url, use the rest_post() method.

>>> g.rest_post('', data={'this': 'yada1', 'that': 'yada2'})

Making a PUT Request

To submit a PUT request to a url, use the rest_put() method.

>>> g.rest_put('', data={'this': 'yada1', 'that': 'yada2'})

Making a DELETE Request

To submit a DELETE request to a url, use the rest_delete() method.

>>> g.rest_delete('', data={'this': 'yada1', 'that': 'yada2'})

Handling the Request Response

Glusto provides the return in a tuple similar to the SSH calls in the glusto.Connectible class.

>>> g.rest_get('')
(0, 'HelloWorld from GlusterFS Application', None)

The returned tuple consists of the return code, the response output, and the response error.


The return code is the standard HTTP code returned by the web server on server response error (e.g., 404), otherwise returns zero for a successful request.

Using the Request Response as Config

The output of the response will be in string format.

YAML Formatted Text

If the string is yaml formatted text, it can be converted into a dictionary object using the load_yaml_string() method.

>>> g.rest_get('')
(0, '{"clusters":["e2effa75a5a50560c3250b67cf71b465"]}\n', None)

>>> rcode, rout, rerr = g.rest_get('')[1]
>>> g.load_yaml_string(rout)
{'clusters': ['e2effa75a5a50560c3250b67cf71b465']}

JSON Formatted Text

If the string is json formatted text, it can be converted into a dictionary object using the load_json_string() method.

>>> g.rest_get('')
(0, '{"clusters":["e2effa75a5a50560c3250b67cf71b465"]}\n', None)

>>> rcode, rout, rerr = g.rest_get('')[1]
>>> g.load_json_string(out)
{u'clusters': [u'e2effa75a5a50560c3250b67cf71b465']}