glusto.configurable module

All things configuration.


Configurable is inherited by the Glusto class and not designed to be instantiated.

class glusto.configurable.Configurable

Bases: object

The class providing all things configuration.

config = {}

The default class attribute for storing configurations.

static store_config(obj, filename, config_type=None, **kwargs)
Writes an object to a file format.
Automatically detects format based on filename extension.
  • obj (object) – The Python object to store in file.
  • filename (str) – Filename for output of configuration.
  • config_type (optional[str]) – The type of config file. Use when extension needs to differ from actual type. (e.g., .conf instead of .yml)



Uses custom GDumper class to strip Python object formatting. This is not a utility function for serialization.

static load_config(filename, config_type=None, **kwargs)

Reads a config from file. Defaults to yaml, but will detect other config formats based on filename extension. Currently reads yaml, json, ini, csv, and text files.

  • filename (str) – Filename of configuration to be read.
  • config_type (optional[str]) – The type of config file. Use when extension needs to differ from actual type. (e.g., .conf instead of .yml)
  • **kwargs (optional[dict]) – keyword arguments specific to formats

Dict of configuration items.

static load_yaml_string(yaml_string)

Reads a yaml formatted string into a dictionary

Parameters:yaml_string (str) – A string containing yaml formatted text.
Returns:Dictionary on success.
static load_json_string(json_string)

Reads a json formatted string into a dictionary

Parameters:json_string (str) – A string containing json formatted text.
Returns:Dictionary on success.
static load_configs(filelist)

Reads multiple configs from a list of filenames into a single configuration.

Parameters:filelist (list) – List of configuration filenames to read.
Returns:Dict of configuration items.
classmethod load_config_defaults()
classmethod set_config(config)

Assigns a config to the config class attribute.

Parameters:config (dict) – A dictionary of configuration objects.


DESTRUCTIVE. This will assign a new dictionary on top of an existing config. See update_config().

classmethod update_config(config)

Adds a config to the config class attribute.

Parameters:config (dict) – A dictionary of configuration objects.


SOMEWHAT DESTRUCTIVE. This will overwrite any previously existing objects.

For example, config[‘thisandthat’] will overwrite cls.config[‘thisandthat’], but config[‘subconfig’][‘thisandthat’] will add the subconfig dictionary without overwriting cls.config[‘thisandthat’].

classmethod log_config(obj)

Writes a yaml formatted configuration to the log.

Parameters:obj (dict) – The configuration object to write to log.
static get_config(obj)

Retrieves an object in yaml format.

Parameters:obj (object) – A Python object to be converted to yaml.
Returns:A yaml formatted string.
static show_config(obj)

Outputs a yaml formatted representation of an object on stdout.

Parameters:obj (object) – A Python object to be converted to yaml.
classmethod clear_config()

Clears the config class attribute with an empty dictionary.

static show_file(filename)

Reads a file and prints the output.

Parameters:filename (str) – Name of the file to display.
class glusto.configurable.GDumper(stream, default_style=None, default_flow_style=None, canonical=None, indent=None, width=None, allow_unicode=None, line_break=None, encoding=None, explicit_start=None, explicit_end=None, version=None, tags=None)

Bases: yaml.dumper.Dumper

Override the alias junk normally output by Dumper. This is necessary because PyYaml doesn’t give a simple option to modify the output and ignore tags, aliases, etc.


Overriding to skip aliases.


Overriding to skip tags. e.g., !!python/object:glusto.cluster.Cluster

class glusto.configurable.Intraconfig

Bases: object

Class to provide instances with simple configuration utility and introspection in yaml config format.

Intended to be inherited.


To inherit Intraconfig in your custom class:

>>> from glusto.configurable import Intraconfig
>>> class MyClass(Intraconfig):
>>>    def __init__(self):
>>>        self.myattribute = "this and that"

To use Intraconfig to output MyClass as yaml:

>>> myinstance = MyClass()
>>> myinstance.show_config()

Adds a config to the config class attribute.

Parameters:config (dict) – A dictionary of configuration objects.


SOMEWHAT DESTRUCTIVE. This will overwrite any previously existing objects.

For example, config[‘thisandthat’] will overwrite cls.config[‘thisandthat’], but config[‘subconfig’][‘thisandthat’] will add the subconfig dictionary without overwriting cls.config[‘thisandthat’].


Outputs a yaml formatted representation of an instance on stdout.


Retrieves an instance object in yaml format.

Returns:A yaml formatted string.

Reads a yaml config from file and assigns to the config instance attribute.

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename of configuration to be read.
store_config(filename, config_type=None)
Writes attributes of a class instance to a file in a config format.
Automatically detects format based on filename extension.
  • filename (str) – Filename for output of configuration.
  • config_type (optional[str]) – The type of config file. Use when extension needs to differ from actual type. (e.g., .conf instead of .yml)



Uses custom GDumper class to strip Python object formatting. This is not a utility function for serialization.